Thursday, September 14, 2006


W* E* B* Z* I* N* E*
mEU dEUS QUE MARAVILHA...só faltava isso pra carolinha aqui se delicIar on linE e matar as saudades das revistinhas compraDaS todas as semanas , na BeLa e doídA L*O*N*D*0*N*
Is the printed page dead? According to some web evangelists traditional newspapers and magazines are well on their way to the cemetery. We think those claims are little inflated (we personally think the future will still have a place for traditional media in some shape or form) online magazines and papers are becoming more sophisticated. Take, a web only fashion magazine produced out of London. The glamorous webzine features all the usual fash mag fodder, but unlike many of its predecessors it’s content is of professional quality. Check it out. by Lisa Evans